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For the Month of June 2009 I already earned $2.02 from this site.
Date Requested June 24 2009
Date Paid June 27 2009
Amount $1.01
Below are my TOTAL earnings from Clicksia
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January Report (Monthly earnings report)
For the Month of June 2009 I already earned $2.02 from this site.
Date Requested June 22 2009
Date Paid June 23 2009
Amount $1.01
Below are my TOTAL earnings from Incentria
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January Report (Monthly earnings report)
The concept is simple. You view other website and others will view yours. Basically the more you view other websites the more you recieve traffic on your web page.
There are 2 kinds of Traffic Exchange
1. Auto Surf -
click on the surf link then off you go it will automatically surf the web. Just like
watching advertisement on TV
2. Manual Surf -
Manually clicking right matching number to have a credit in manual surf. This
"mano eh mano"
First Question How and where could I earn from this?
You could earn by
1. affiliating with Paid to promote website (how?)
2. Google adsense (how?)
Answer number 1 (affiliating with Paid to promote website)
- promoting your PTP referall link to Traffic Exchange websites.
I have joined this 2 most trusted site
There are a lot of PTP sites out there but this 2 is the most I trust. They have been paying for almost 3 years now. (click me for payment proof)
after that I got my referall link and place it (promote it) on the Traffic Exchange that I have joined. t
Answer number 2 (Google adsense)
We all know that we earn from google when a visitor view our page and even much bigger if the visitor click on the ads. but I dont recomend that you promote your website or blog that has Google adsense on it at traffic Exchanges website. Definitley Google will block your account!. So, what I recomend is to make a splash page linking to your main website or blog. By this, you are safe in getting blocked by google. what you are going to promote is the splash page you created in the traffic exchange website.
Second Question? What are the the Traffic Exchange you Recomend?
Well for this question you have to wait for my next content. I will be publishing my updated full review on each Traffic Exchange i recomend. I will be tackling why I recomend and their current stutus based on my experiences.
Remember, because of this Traffic exchanged I continualy earn on clicksia, Incentria and my Google adsense even I was not active or being online for 2 months.
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List of traffic exchange (not updated)
Incentria Paid me even I was offline for 2 Months
| Paid to Click, Payment Proof, Tips | 2 comments »I am gathering my data on how I earned in clicksia and Incentria without being active for 2 months. soon I'll be posting my specific strategy on this.
Date requested June 14 2009
Date received June 16 2009
Amount $1.00
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Earning even im not online
Scam? or Not (
Proven 4 dollars monthly on aurora site paid me wew!!!! for some reason this site is paying again. I don't know why. It used to give me income 2 to 3 months ago. I even wrote a topic on this
(Stafford Traffic exchange $11.00 in 20days)
I just hope they continue to build their credibility back. but for me I still dont trust this site. Its good that they are paying but that's not good enough to win my trust back!!!!. above are my proof that they paid me..... another good thing happen in PTC even I was away for 2 months!!!!
Date requested: November 19, 2008
Date received: June 15, 2009
Amount: $2.40
I am not only promoting Megojoe and Rachellesclick but
im recomending you to join. on my previouse post ive been talking why you must join but now I am show you my payment proof
Again here are the reason why you must join
1. Rachellesclicks - PTP is $0.003 per unique visitor (clicksia and Incetria is $0.0002)
2. Megojoe - lot of Ads to click 7 to 10 cents a day
3. 2 level referrals
4. cheap advertisment
5. Paying site
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