Tips in earning a lot of credits fast.
1. Third Party Software
Frame breaker, pop ups, page codes are the major problem on autosurf. This causes your autosurf program to freeze. If this happen you wont earn credits. You need a third party software to fix this kind of problem. you need a software that would let your autosurf run strait with no error at least 8hrs.
2. Surf Link
By using this surf link it will save you time. most specially if you will make your surf link your homepage. It automatically surf the sites for credits once you open the browser. you dont have to login, enter username and password.
(to configure to set surflink you homepage click here)
3. Disable loading pics/images on browser
This really help me a lot, most specially that I do have an unstable internet connections. With the pics and images disable, webpage load 3x faster and the faster the page load the more credits I have. and the more credits I gain, the more I could promote clicksia and Incentria.
(to configure your browser not to load pics and images click here)
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